Tom and Jake Kennedy are running from a dark past, hoping for a new start in the town of Featherbank. Jake needs to heal after his mom’s death, and Tom hopes that moving towns will be good for both of them. Soon after they move into their new house, a house that has stories attached to it, weird things begin to happen, and Jake begins to hear whispers in the night. Twenty years prior, The Whisper Man, a serial killer who fascinated himself with young boys, was finally caught and put behind bars thanks to the help of detective Pete Willis. However, it seems that The Whisper Man may be back, and he looks to be targeting Jake.
After seeing all of the hype about this book, I was super excited to read it. Unfortunately, it fell short for me. I was expecting a creepy thriller full of twists and turns, but nothing really surprised me as I read the book. I started reading it around 2 AM one night, and I was thoroughly scared then, but the further I got into the book, the more my feelings changed. I was no longer scared or hungry to know what was going to happen next. I did enjoy the multiple perspectives and back and forth between the main characters. A lot of the action was also great, but the plot felt very anticlimactic to me by the end of the story. I love reading creepy books that give me the chills, and I thought that this book was going to do it for me, but it didn’t. And that makes me sad.
The Whisper Man was just an average read for me, but if you’re looking for something that is more mysterious rather than scary, then this book is probably for you. It was definitely a mystery story that reminded me of something straight out of a crime show!
3/5 stars!
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